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Duluth Ballet travels to the Big City

Good day PDD'ers.
I work for The O'Shaughnessy [Second largest performing arts venue in St. Paul] and we are presenting Duluth dance company American National Ballet this Firday night. I'm going to throw my weight around here and would like offer some free-bees to fellow PDD'ers and their friends. For those of you in the Cities this weekend looking for something to do, here is a chance to have a classy evening at no cost. Shoot me an email if you are interested - [email protected]
I've enjoyed working with this wonderful company a great deal and hope they have a great turn out.

ps: now you all know i don't actually live in duluth .. but i do in my mind and every time i step on my boyfriends sailboat at spirit lake marina ..


I won't be able to go but thanks for the offer.

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