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Gonzo Science Expedition to the Paulding Light (UPDATED AGAIN)

Come one come all. The Paulding Light, a ghostly/UFO-like phenomenon unique to Paulding, Michigan, appears nearly every night, sometimes looking like a faraway train light but sometimes coming in close and lighting up the whole area UFO-style. We here at Gonzo Science are field tripping out there this Friday in a caravan of wierdos and funseekers, to spend the night and see what we can see. There may be some hiking involved to get up close to the thing. Any video we get will be shown at the UFO Convention on Nov. 5th. We are also bringing an electromagnetic field reader, a laser thermometer, and my UFO Hunting Suit, which SHOULD act as a UFO magnet, so we're SURE to get some crazy pictures. In particular we want to get more video cameras rolling, so if you have one, consider coming along (it's for science!) or consider loaning it out (crazy I know). Several folks from the Whole Foods Co-op scene are coming along on this escapade to gather data and/or images, and we'd like to extend the invitation to the general PDD community. The drive is four hours both ways and as of this writing the camping facilities are unknown and may be non-existent, so be prepared to rough it/improvise/sleep in your car. Departure time of caravan: TBA, but probably around 2PM, stay tuned for location of the launch pad, or just meet us there using the map below. Updates as events warrant. Professor out.

Directions to the Paulding Light: http://www.astronomycafe.net/weird/lights/paulding4.htm.

UPDATE: We are meeting Friday 14th at Peace Church at 2:45pm to arrange carpooling arrangments. We have permission to leave extra cars in the lot overnight. Blastoff: 3:00pm.

SECOND UPDATE: We saw it and got video and it is genuinely wierd. EM readings were useless because of the nearby powerlines. I will try and get stills or video online soon if I can... lots of fun, there were like 50-75 people there at any given time, a constant baccanalian backwoods party at the spooklights. This will become an annual pilgramage!


I think you need to post a picture or two of you in your "UFO hunting suit" ;)

I don't have a photo handy but will post one after the expedition. It's basically a shoulder mounted harness that surrounds the head with copper wire - kind of like wearing a lightning rod. The UP has major copper deposits which are probably the source of the phenomenon, so if it appears, maybe my copper "suit" will entice it to come closer. If I die, it was for science! (And chicks.)

Yay! The Paulding Light! I visited it quite a few times when I lived in the U.P.. You actually don't have to hike to it. You can drive down the hill (if you dare), park, and wait. I had a skeptical friend who camped out there one night and came back a believer...Have fun!

Gonzo Science? I've been out of town for some time. Are you Richardsons still writing? Your site is dead so... I'm not so sure.

Yah i live about a half an hour away from it. I visit every year. Its pretty kool. I've seen it in the distance many of a times. Its quite a sight.

Click on link for new gonzo blog site. We were with the Reader for a while but Bob demanded we stop writing for other people too and we told him bye. Working on follow-ups to our book and CD,UFO Convention 11/5.

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