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Ni Hao Duluth!

Former chinese national seeks other babies of chaotic nature to form maoist insugency at day care. Must be able to pee at will and melt american adults with powers of cute. Must have special abilities giggle +14, advanced bouncy and wacky parents.

Yea for the Rings! Please also welcome Porter's new cousin Lydia Rose Bacigalupo. She cant date until she's 35 or unless geriatric dad invents hover boots first.


hey, baby...
there's a new disney picture at the cinema...ask yer mama & pepe if you can come out & play...say next friday night?

Congrats, Baci.... :)what a cutie!

Ummm... would it be wrong of me to inquire as to why your baby is holding a purple ribbed jelly vibrator? I know it's probably some "baby thing", but I'm only working with the context I have...

Ummm... would it be wrong of me to inquire as to why your baby is holding a purple ribbed jelly vibrator? I know it's probably some "baby thing", but I'm only working with the context I have...

you ARE a bad cat...thats either a sample of a new chinese bio-terrorism weapon suspened in grape jelly OR a small travel pack of tissues.

Now why would your sick feline mind go to that sick place and bring my 13mo. daughter along? Stop all of those thoughts now...she cant date until she's 35 and you are not allowed in the line.

Ahhhh! I see it now! Simple Kleenix after all. Perv is in the eye of the beholder...

okay, kleenex and a remote IS kinda creepy...so...

LOL! I had totally missed the "watching porn" reference.

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