pdd branding

Allrighty, green light is blinking so step right up shoppers. The above design will be avaiable in bumper sticker format in 2 - 8 weeks, depending on when they get here. The size is 5.5 x 2.14 (would love to get the 8.5 x 2.75 but as an act of bloggerish support the first size is what I can do/afford). The cost, preorders accepted now at $1 each, once they arrive it'll be a whopping $1.50 (at least until cost is realized). Profits from this will go towards site costs. So... to preorder just drop me a note at edgewood [at] gmail [dot] com, order one, order 5 dozen and give as gifts... all I need to know from you right now is who wants them and how many. When they arrive I'll let you know and we can meet in a dark ally and exchange goods, or something less dramatic perhaps. Cheerio