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Duluth Web Cams

So what's your favorite Duluth Web cam?

Aquarium -- http://glacam.glaquarium.org/view

Visit Duluth -- http://www.visitduluth.com/livecam

Marine Museum -- http://www.lsmma.com/webcam_large.htm

Minnesota Power -- http://www.allete.com/lakecam.htm

Traffic Cams -- http://511mn.org/default.asp?display=cameras&area=NE

Know of any others??


The best part is you can control it.

Marine Museum gets my vote. Just had a ship coming in when I looked a few minutes ago.

Thanks for posting these. I only knew of the Visit Duluth web cam. We have also been to the GLA and never heard a mention of one. How did you find out?

The Marine Museum has been my favourite, but I didn't know about the traffic cameras. I don't need to watch traffic. But being a boat nerd, I gladly watch ship traffic.


A) I used to work at the GLA.

B) It's listed on the GLA Web site under "about."

C) Technically, it's the News Tribune's camera and GLA just provides the physical location. (also listed on the DNT's site)

UMD website has them all:


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