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Bell's Cask Night at Hell's Kitchen

Come and join us for a night of unique cask conditioned ales from Bell's Brewery.
Laura Bell and Jason Gillum will be on hand to educate and answer questions.
Prizes and giveaways!!
There will be two casks, Two Heated Ale and a "mystery" cask.

Wednesday June 25 7pm tell it's gone
Hell's Kitchen 310 Lake Ave. South Duluth


Ahh...Two Hearted...i get it.

Expedition Stout rocks my clock. 'Spensive stuff tho, but well worth it. Double Cream makes a helluva liquid base for a crock pot roast.

Bells is one of the only brews I'll drink that fall outside a self-imposed 250 mile import radius. Comstock is nearly double that.

I agree with zra. Bell's makes some of the best beer out there--especially the Expedition Stout. I'm jealous that I won't be in Duluth when these casks are tapped.

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