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BP = Bad People

(from the wilco site)

British Petroleum just made a $3.8 billion expansion of their oil refinery in Whiting, Indiana. After pouring billions of dollars into expanding the aging plant, they claim they don't have room to expand the water treatment facility, so instead have asked the EPA to let them dump 1,500 more pounds of amonia and 5,000 more pounds of toxic sludge into Lake Michigan. Read the story from the Chicago Tribune here.

Below is a link to send a message to BP's CEO Tony Hayward and EPA Region 5 Administrator Mary Gade. To sign the petition, please click here.


Every day. 1,584 pounds of amonia and 4,925 pounds of suspended solids. Every day.

so...if the 1.5K pounds of coffee that I roasted today were ammonia...

seriously? this makes me sick to my stomach.

They might not have room to expand the treatment facility but they've already stated that they are spending $150 million on improving the capacity of the treatment facility that they have.

August 23rd, BP announced that they will NOT be making use of the increased dumping limits that were given to them by permit.

Sure seems convenient that your article left those facts out.

that's because the article i posted was written on aug 1st.

It says August 13th on the time stamp.

The fact that they are spending $150 million to upgrade the facility was stated in July and yet it was still not included.

The blog you posted, that is.

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