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Another candidate to consider...

Front Panel City Hall.jpg

Fellow PDDers – I’ve resisted any blatant self-promotion of my campaign on this site… until now. Once Gremmels got in the race, I knew I had to pick up the slack. We’ve got the web page, the myspace page, and the blog all in hopes of enticing you, the tech savvy voter. Turns out, you need to promote those things to get folks to check it out.

I’ve got a bunch of interesting ideas for you to consider while making your choice for mayor. But there is one area of particular interest that I’d like to focus on – my support of the local arts community. Many of you know that I was festival director for Homegrown over the past two years, but my support of the arts goes well beyond that...

I was a founding member of the MAC, a long-time board member of Renegade, and I’m working on some exciting projects with the Zeppa Foundation, plus a couple dozen other projects that I’ve supported and worked on over the past decade. I am simply amazed by all of the incredible talent we have here in Duluth - I've seen my role has as simply promoting and celebrating that talent, whenever possible.

One initiative I would promote as Mayor would be to establish a local “Arts Authority” that would be funded through a “1% for the arts” levy. It’s time that we move beyond lip service about our support of the arts. For example, the authority could support capital improvements to local venues like Sacred Heart, the Art Institute in Lincoln Park, and Dick’s basement (ok, I’m not sure if we could swing that last one) so that arts organizations could focus their energy on programming and supporting artists, rather than on leaky roofs and crumbling buildings.

We’re looking for help and support in this campaign. If you’re interested in helping out, or willing to take a lawn sign to show support, drop me a line at at this address. See you around.



Go Donny go.
Will there be an Art Czar?
I'd like to be considered for that position.
Unless I get hired as the bridge operator first.

Go Donny! You've got my vote.

Does anyone know where we can get "Ness" bumper stickers? I promise to only affix them to appropriate objects (ie. my car, tennis shoe, or rottweiler). Thanks!

Does anyone know where we can get "Ness" bumper stickers? I promise to only affix them to appropriate objects (ie. my car, tennis shoe, or rottweiler). Thanks!

Lawn signs, bumper stickers, brochures can all be found at the downtown campaign office - 31 W Superior St. kitty-corner from Jitters.

All the coolest kids hang out there...

Arts are good - but I think there might be better candidates....
Is anyone actually up for discussing it?

donnynessformayor!! donnynessformayor!!!

What are you his brother or something?

did you go to the "parr/low" show yesterday? i didn't see any hand puppets or other would be mayoral candidates... but i DID see donny!! go donny!!


hmmm... i guess i don't know how to embed an image in this system... oh well... go to the link above... see for yer-own-self... he was there. ha.

paid for by the duluth for don for mayor campaign fun fund.


hmmm... i guess i don't know how to embed an image in this system... oh well... go to the link above... see for yer-own-self... he was there. ha.

paid for by the duluth for don for mayor campaign fun fund.

That's what's so cool about Don. He is emminently qualified for mayor. He's got the college learnin thing going for him. He's been in city government for umpteen years. He worked for Oberstar for a number of years. He's been a small business owner. He's knows the ins and outs of the retiree health care fiasco, due to his work on the city council and the committee he served on. So he has all the wonkish, slightly dorky politician things going for him while still being a regular guy rocking out at Homegrown or a Low concert.
It's like the best of both worlds or something.

Well, wait a minute - wasn't the sock puppet at LOW?

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