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Homegrown Lineup Online


Time to plan your evenings!

Check out a handy PDF of this year's Homegrown lineup, or visit the Homegrown Myspace for a plain HTML version.


I hate to be contrary. . .not really.

The Monday film and poetry show isn't listed. Mike Scholz is the committee contact for that event. Or is this just for "band people" Not fair!

I see Experimental Tuesday listed but where? and what time?

We are working on getting the full-week schedule up on the web site - hopefully soon. The PDF is a pretty rough document, just to get the basics out there. A more polished schedule is on the way.

The Film / Poetry Fest is Monday night, 7pm at the Playground. Experimental Tuesday is from 9-midnight at Carmody's.

Keep your eyes out for the field guide which will be on the street this week...

good enough, thank you.

Alright, which band is that sexy mofo Greg "Cougar" Conley in?

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